Thursday, June 24, 2021

SIO demands Government of Maharashtra 50% exemption in University Admission and Examination Fees for students

A delegation from SIO South Maharashtra spoke to the Minister of Higher and Technical Education (Maharashtra) Uday Samant regarding the exemption of admission and examination fees in all colleges and universities across Maharashtra.

The Covid-19 pandemic has badly hit all the sections of society leading to a situation of financial distress. Many have lost their lives and jobs unable to earn and support their families.

The student community welcomed the State Government's decision regarding Online Education but showed concerns regarding payment of complete fees for admission and examination despite closure of all campus and its facilities making it very difficult for the common man to pay such a huge amount.

"We believe it is crucial that in no circumstance should admission and examination fees be charged to parents and students." Musaddiq ul Moid (Joint secretary SIO Maharashtra south) says.

Being a voice for the voiceless and the down trodden SIO South Maharashtra wrote to Mr Uday Samant bringing to light the dire situation of the students demanding a 50% exemption in the current admission and examination fees and reduction of next academic year's fees. To
this he assured he will bring up the issue in the Fees Regulating Authority of Maharashtra meeting on Wednesday and that steps will be taken regarding the same.

SHIKSHA SANWAD | Review of Online Education


Review of Online Education

Sunday 20 June 2021 (3:00 to 5:00 pm)

In his introductory talk, Shaikh Sohel, Education Secretary SiO South Maharashtra, said that, “The unexpected plague of a deadly infection called COVID-19 caused by (SARS-CoV-2) has trembled the whole world. This circumstance challenged the whole education system worldwide and compelled educators to change to an online mode immediately. Education institutions like Schools, Colleges and Universities in India are currently based on traditional learning methods and follow the conventional setting of face-to-face interaction/lectures in a classroom. According to a UNESCO report, around 14 crores of primary and 13 crores of secondary students have been affected in India, making them to be the two most affected groups. Many educational organizations that were earlier unwilling to change their traditional didactic practice had no choice but to move exclusively to online teaching–learning”.

Key Points of Discussion:

1.Accessibility of online Education

2.Repairing the damage caused to Education

3.Sustainability of Online Education: exacerbation of inequality, pedagogical issues leading to poor quality education and unwarranted thrust on online education, are the three pertinent issues with online education and its schemes that need serious consideration post COVID-19.

Mr Sudheendra kulkarni, Chairman ORF Mumbai, while sharing his valuable thoughts on the issue said, “We should be prepared for the future which contains the amalgamation of online and offline modes of education”. He further encouraged on pressurising the government to make digital learning tools affordable and accessible evenly. He strongly demanded development of non-English language based educational material, citing scarcity of its availability. He also mentioned the positive aspects of online education like it enabling us to network and connect, thus building new bonds of understanding, harmony and National and International Unity.

Mr P.A. Inamdar, President, M.C.E Society and Azam Campus Pune, said that, currently our country doesn’t even have trained enough teacher for this mode of education, for such a huge student population, particularly at primary and secondary school level. He raised certain questions related to availability of resources like finance and technical tools needed for online education in rural areas of this country. He said that he agreed to the fact that ultimately the education system will move towards online mode, but it will take time and effort in accommodating the changes. He suggested a hybrid structure such that 80% of the education be conducted by offline mode; and the rest 20% be conducted online, and the percentage of online education be improved gradually.

 Hemali Chhapia, senior journalist TOI, said that the online education system has both pros and cons, which needs to be balanced. She said even though this mode of education has many positive aspects, country like India, which has such a large digital dived is facing grave problems like many students being left out of the education system itself because of this change.

Br fawaz Shaheen, national secretary, SiO of India, in his concluding remark, said that, it is not the technological crises but the social isolation that is leading to these issues. He further said that it was time to discuss fundamental issues like the way to evaluate students, the way to evaluate learning and so on, and not merely discuss the gaps created due to Covid-19. He suggested on working on the policy level advocacy and expose the deep-rooted flaws in our education system; essentially lack of basic education infrastructure for such a huge population in our country.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Bridging Gap, Saving Lives: SIO connects 3,000 Covid patients with healthcare facilities


As Covid patients across the country scramble to find oxygen, beds and other healthcare facilities, Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) and Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) have organised a nation-wide team of volunteers to connect them with these resources as quickly as possible. 

The 'Covid Relief Task Force' has over 1,000 volunteers spread across all the states, who are working round the clock to ensure that Covid patients get oxygen, bed, plasma, medicines and other help they need before it's too late. Within a week of being set-up, the team has fielded around 6,000 requests and has provided verified information about resource providers to around 3,000 patients.

The patients and their attendants convey their requirements through dedicated 24×7 helpline numbers and social media, while the volunteers map resources across the country and also verify the publicly information about the availability of healthcare facilities. The patients are then connected to the relevant resource providers. A control room has been set up at JIH's headquarters in Okhla, New Delhi to coordinate the entire effort. 

"The country is facing an acute shortage of oxygen and beds. The patients and their loved ones are running from pillar to post for their medical needs. While the social media is flooded with contacts for various resources, it's a cumbersome task to sift through them to find useful ones, especially when one is dealing with an emergency. The aim of the Task Force is to save the valuable time of patients and free them of all this hassle," said SIO National President Mohammad Salman Ahmad.

SIO and JIH began the exercise on April 25 with two 24×7 helpline numbers and around 30 Delhi-based volunteers. Within days, state- and district-level volunteer teams were set up to help people across the length and breadth of the country. Additional helplines were started in West Bengal, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat to cover a wider set of patients more quickly. The organisations also carried out a drive to register plasma donors, many of whom were then connected to the patients.

Salman Ahmad said that they have undertaken this initiative to please God Almighty. "SIO has always been at the forefront when it comes to extending a helping hand to those in need, irrespective of their faith. We believe that it's our responsibility as Muslims to be beneficial to humankind," he said.

Over 40% of the requests received by the task force on central helplines are for Oxygen, while around 30% are for hospital beds. More than 20% callers sought plasma donations, while the remaining requests pertained to medicines such as Remdesivir and Tozilizumab. Around 40% of the callers hailed from Delhi, followed by 20% and 14% requests from Uttar Pradesh and Telangana, respectively.

"We understand that most of the requests are from Delhi and UP as these states are facing the severest shortage of medical facilities. Despite our best efforts, we are not able to find sufficient leads for patients from these states. We hope that the central and state governments will realise their responsibility and provide relief to the people," said Salman Ahmad.


Students Islamic Organisation of India

+91 72086 56094

Covid Relief Task Force Images

Covid Relief Task Force Videos

Covid Task Force: SIO Aurangabad Press Conference

 By the blessings and grace of Allah almighty Relief Task Force (SIO Aurangabad in collaboration with Alfaaz Community) has conducted press conference for the awareness campaign of 3rd wave of Covid-19 at GLINT HOUSE Today i.e on 19th of May 2021 under the watch of SIO Aurangabad city president brother SHADAB ALI and coordinator, brother SYED TANVEER they both has presented the report of the working station and the work which is going at the #COVID-19 help center.

Proposed LDAR is anti-people, catastrophic for Lakshwadeep and is against core ethos of the Constitution: SIO

 The draft Lakshadweep Development Authority Regulation (LDAR), 2021, released in the tumultuous times of the Covid-19 pandemic, signals a brazen intent to disempower the indigenous people of Lakshadweep, the country's most vulnerable archipelago.

This regulation gives sweeping power to the administrator, and by extension the Central Government. The draft directly threatens the existing land ownership and usage in Lakshadweep by giving arbitrary and unchecked powers to the government (and all its bodies) to directly interfere with an islanders' right to possess and retain their property.

Section 29 of the draft empowers the government to choose any land for “development” activities. Under this regulation, the acquired land can be used as the government sees fit, with no regard to the will of the land-owner. The draft provides a deliberately vague construction of the term "public use", allowing it to be easily abused by the administrator and other authorities. If implemented, the proposed regulation will be catastrophic for the fragile ecosystem of Lakshwadeep, which is very rich in biodiversity. It is in clear contradiction of the constitutional mandate to protect India's environment and natural biodiversity.

What's worse than this vicious proposal is the fact Praful Patel, the infamous administrator, has a record of high-handedness. The very first law reform of the administrator since taking office was the introduction of the Goonda Act in a place where prisons are almost empty. Secondly, the draft panchayat notification provides that persons with more than two kids are not eligible for participating in panchayat elections. The Animal Preservation Act seeks to ban beef in a place with a majority Muslim population. Many more such eccentric acts and regulations have been imposed on the local people.


We are extremely concerned that this rich island filled with Flora and fauna, and having a unique indigenous culture and heritage, is set to be colonized by a hollow 'development' agenda. Our constitution has given provisions for the protection of the rights of indigenous people and their land. This act is clearly a betrayal of the constitutional spirit of inclusivity and development in harmony with nature and natural biodiversity.

In this regard, Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) strongly demands that the proposed draconian LDAR 2021 be immediately revoked. As the administrator Praful Patel has clearly been proved to be inept in handling the affairs of the island, he must be immediately recalled. We stand in solidarity with the people of Lakshadweep in their rightful struggle against such draconian laws and incapable administration. We finally appeal to our fellow citizens to be sensitive with respect to the rights of our people and also to take care of our environment. We will surely not accept a trade-off between people and hollow slogans of development and tourism.


Students Islamic Organisation of India

+91 72086 56094

Monday, March 15, 2021

 Passages maligning Tableeghi Jamat to be taken down from Microbiology textbook after SIO's intervention

The authors of the book 'Essentials of Medical Microbiology' on Sunday conveyed their apologies and assured changes in the demeaning statements about the role of Tableeghi Jamat (TJ) in reprint of their book. This book is the reference book for the second year of MBBS course.

The issue came to light after Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) highlighted the misrepresentation of the events in the Epidemiology section of the book. SIO spoke with Jaypee Publications, demanding the removal of the content. Following which, the authors wrote a clarification.

The third edition of the book contains a chapter about how COVID-19 spread in India wherein the authors state that the TJ cluster was an important causative factor for the spread of COVID-19. However, there has been no Epidemiological study that corroborates such a claim. There were many large socio-political events and gatherings at the said time period in India. But the TJ was vilified and demonized by various media outlets and groups. 

The Supreme Court and various High courts have condemned such misrepresentation of TJ gathering. The Supreme Court even asked the concerned authorities to undo the damage done. In the same spirit, SIO demanded that the authors apologize for the mistake and take down the problematic part from the book as it paints the community in a negative colour. Raafid Shahab, Secretary, SIO South Maharashtra, said, "The publishers and authors are responsible for their action. They should do their work with honesty and research. We should also think about how easily fake news can brainwash our society."


Musaddiq Ul Moid

Joint Secretary

SIO South Maharashtra


Monday, March 8, 2021

SIO South Maharashtra Recommendations on Maharashtra Government Budget 2021-22

Budget Recommendations 2021-22

Today we are going through circumstances like never before due to the

pandemic, where in common man has been pushed into an unprecedented crisis.

As a country with highest youth population we are facing the daunting task of

reviving and giving a new ray of hope in these testing times. In this post-covid era

both government and non-government entities of the society have a peculiar

challenge in trying to solve the problems faced by students and youths. In the

view of the upcoming budget of the state of Maharashtra we would like to

suggest a few important interventions that could be considered during the

framing of the state budget.

By providing these recommendations SIO demands that the state government

must allocate up to 20% of budget expenditure to the field of education. In the

2020-21 budget comparatively to previous budgets there was an appreciable 9%

increment in allocating funds to the education sector but considering the

circumstances and challenges we are facing right now, which needs innovative

and new strategies in the field of education, the state government must make this

a pro-education budget by allocating more funds in the upcoming budget.

Primary Education:

 Considering the ineffectiveness and inability in implementation of Right

To Education (RTE) Act, State government must ensure the proper

implementation of RTE, by constituting a standing joint-party committee

(JPC) to address various issues, to oversee and monitor effective

implementation of RTE Act(2009), including accountability of its funds

and finances.

 The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 gives special importance to

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). State government must

Integrate Anganwadis to Primary school. There is a vast network of

Anganwadis across the state including rural and urban areas, which

aren’t effectively regulated and hence falter on various parameters.

Bringing them under the ambit of primary education will ensure quality


 State government must make Pre-primary education free in the state as

this will help in addressing the problem of inequity existing in society

and allow for the holistic development of a child in early childhood.

 As suggested by Finance Minister in 2020-21 budget, to Develop at least

four schools as model schools in every Taluka. The state must make

quick action plan for its implementation across state as there is no

significant progress in this regard.

 The disruptions caused to educational sector by recent Pandemic has

highlighted the need for strengthening digital infrastructure in the

schools. Additional budget needs to be sanctioned for digital education

and setting up of digital infrastructure in schools.

 State must provide nutritional support for children in Nagar Palika

schools, as 2020-21 budget only provided for Zilla Parishad schools.

 State government must set up an expert committee to tackle the

menace of fee hike and must keep a check on increasing tendencies of

privatization of education so as to ensure accessibility of education for

the poorer section of society.

 To facilitate safety travel access to educational institutions across

Mumbai city, free transportation facility should be provided to students

of all levels in the form of special train/buses.

 The concept of a school for every village has to be introduced in rural

areas in the state. Also state must facilitate free transportation for

students of these rural areas. This will facilitate their movement and

increase access to education.

 State must increase the overall budget allocation for government


Higher Education:

 Issues related to the scholarships/fellowships/grants/schemes offered by

under various schemes by the union and state governments have to be

addressed. In this era of rocket inflation, the government should at the very

least double the current amount given under these various schemes and

must ensure timely disposal of the same.

 The financial assistance to secure Higher Education should not become a

burden on the new and aspiring graduates, hindering progress of their

careers and life by imposing a heavy premium on it. Hence the union and

state government should waive all outstanding education loans as well as

convert all educational loans to educational grants or scholarships in future.

 As Chief Minister rightly said there will be expectation from all regions of

society regarding the budget of government, the state must allocate land

and funding for the long standing demand of Aligarh Muslim University Off-

Campus at Khuldabad area of Aurangabad.

 Also State must rapidly follow up on the process of setting up of separate

university for Konkan region. It’s a long pending demand of people from the

Konkan that there should be a separate university in the Konkan region.

 State authorities must set up mental health centres/ counselling centres at

Government and private premier institutes. Based on the findings of a

survey in a premier institute, the proportion of the students currently

suffering from a mental disorder is the most crucial and requires active

intervention. More so is the need in the current scenario to highlight the

support systems in the institute.


 Speedy implementation of Chief Minister's Employment Generation

Scheme which aims to create one lakh industrial units and generate


 Skill development and vocational training centres should be set up on a

mass scale in an effective, transparent and accessible manner so that their

benefits can be availed by those most in need of them. Also State must

strengthen these vocational training Institutes and link them to industries

assuring the placement of students.

 Create Taluka – level job creation centres that employ local people to

identify employment opportunities and to systematically to promote


1. Maulana Azad अल्पसख्ं याक आयोग Maharashtra not issuing loan based

scholarship. The amount is be lapsed and it will be around 300cr.

2. No amount disbursed for the already sanction amount of madrasa

modernization scheme of central govt.

3. 5% reservation of Muslims not implemented in state so far.

4. Minority schools are not getting grants as specified by the previous budget


5. Pending minority girls hostels in six places in Maharashtra.

6. Pending construction of Urdu ghar.

7. Disbursement of sanctioned state government scholarship from ministry of

minority affairs

8. Separately Ministry of wakf should be form for the protection of wakf

property from illegal occupation.

9. Implementation of Sacchar committee 15 points agenda for Muslim minority

10. Implementation of Mehmudur Rehman committee report prepared to

review the status of Muslims in economy and other social aspects

11. Social audit to be made mandatory for all welfare schemes

Thursday, July 30, 2020

New Education Policy Anti-Constituition, Promotes Commercialisation of Education: SIO

New Education Policy Anti-Constituition, Promotes Commercialisation of Education: SIO

Mumbai: The revised draft of New Education Policy (NEP), approved by the union cabinet on Wednesday, is anti-federal, anti-constitutional and a licence to commercialise education in India, Labeed Shafi, National President of SIO said.

In a statement, issued on Wednesday, the organisation said that it had submitted a detailed set of recommendations to the ministry of human resources development (MHRD) concerning a wide ranging set of issues, including saffronisation, centralisation and commercialisation of education through NEP 2019. However, most of these important suggestions have been ignored by the government, as is evident by the revised version of the policy, Shafi said.

Shafi said that the policy takes a deeply contradictory approach towards the increasing commercialization of education in India. "While the draft attests the 'public good' nature of education, it does so while positing a commercialised form of education. It fails to redact many of the existing measures which have led to commercialisation, while actively proposing a market model of education in the policy," Shafi added.

The organisation believes that the draft policy opens the gates for the saffronisation of education by alluding exclusively to 'study of Sanskrit and knowledge of its extensive literature’, whilst deliberately ignoring the glorious multicultural and plural tapestry that makes up India, its people and their history. "It is truly abominable the way the draft policy has flouted and replaced the constitutional values of liberty, equality and pluralism by ignoring the contributions of minority scholars, their knowledge production and culture. Over-emphasis or imposition of any one language is against the constitution and the federal spirit of the Indian union," Shafi asserted.

The student organisation has also argued that the creation of centralised bodies under the policy such as Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA), National Testing Agency (NTA) and National Research Foundation (NRF) under one command is against the federal structure of the Indian Union and the Constitution, as education is both a State and Union subject. Such over-empowered centralised bodies will inevitably fall prey to the political expediency of ruling parties, Shafi said.

While the policy pays lip service to the ideals of equity and inclusion, it fails to put in place any concrete measures for ensuring adequate representation for marginalised sections of the society as it lacks an unambiguous commitment to the policy of reservation. The policymakers also completely ignored the demands to extend reservation to all private higher educational institutes including premier institutes such as IITs, IIMs and central universities, Shafi added.

نئی تعلیمی  پالیسی وفاق اور آئین مخالف: ایس آئی او

ممبئی: ایس آئی او کے قومی صدر لبید شافعی نے بتایا کہ بدھ کے روز یونین کابینہ کے ذریعہ منظور شدہ نئی تعلیمی پالیسی (NEP) ٢٠١٩ کا نظر ثانی شدہ مسودہ وفاق مخالف، آئین مخالف اور بھارت میں تعلیم کا بازاری کرن کرنے کا پروانہ ہے۔

بدھ کو جاری کردہ ایک بیان میں تنظیم نے کہا ہے کہ اس نے NEP 2019 کے ذریعے تعلیم کے بھگواکرن اور تجارتی کرن سمیت مختلف امور کے بارے میں وزارت براے ترقئ انسانی وسائل (MHRD) کو تفصیلی سفارشات بھیجی تھیں۔ تاہم پالیسی کے نظر ثانی شدہ مسودہ سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ ان میں بیشتر اہم تجاویز کو حکومت نے نظرانداز کردیا ہے۔

شافعی نے کہا کہ یہ پالیسی ہندوستان میں تعلیم کے بڑھتے ہوئے تجارتی کرن کے سلسلے میں متضاد رویہ اختیار کیے ہوئے ہے۔ "اگرچہ اس مسودے میں تعلیم کے عام عوام کے لیے ہونے کی بات کی گئی ہے، لیکن یہ تعلیم کے ایک کاروبار کی  شکل میں پیش کررہی ہے۔ یہ بہت سے ان اقدامات کو روکنے میں ناکام دکھائی دیتی ہے جن کی وجہ سے تعلیم کا تجارتی کرن ہورہا ہے۔ پالیسی تعلیم کے مارکیٹ ماڈل کو پیش کرتی دکھائی دے رہی ہے،"شافعی نے مزید کہا۔

تنظیم کا خیال ہے کہ یہ پالیسی 'سنسکرت کا مطالعہ اور اس کے وسیع لٹریچر کا علم' وغیرہ  تعلیم کے بھگواکرن کے دروازے کھول رہی ہے، اور جان بوجھ کر اس شاندار کثیر ثقافتی ورثے کو نظر انداز کررہی ہے جو ہندوستان اور اس کی تاریخ رہی ہے۔ "جس طرح مسودہ پالیسی کے ذریعے اقلیتی اسکالرز، ان کے علمی تعاون اور ثقافت کو نظرانداز کرکے آزادی، مساوات اور تکثیریت جیسے آئینی اقدار سے صرف نظر ایک مکروہ عمل ہے۔ کسی خاص زبان پر زیادہ زور دینا آئین کے منافی ہے۔ اور ہندوستانیکی وفاقی روح کے خلاف ہے،" شافعی نے کہا۔

طلبہ تنظیم نے یہ بھی استدلال کیا ہے کہ پالیسی کے تحت راشٹریہ شکشا آیوگ (RSA)، نیشنل ٹیسٹنگ ایجنسی (NTA) اور نیشنل ریسرچ فاؤنڈیشن (NRF) جیسے مرکزی اداروں کی تشکیل بھی ہندوستان کے وفاقی ڈھانچے اور آئین کے خلاف ہے کیونکہ تعلیم  کا شعبہ ریاست اور مرکز دونوں سے متعلق ہے۔ شافعی نے کہا کہ اس طرح کی زیادہ طاقت  رکھنے والی مرکزی تنظیمیں لامحالہ حکمران جماعتوں کی سیاسی خودغرضی کا شکار ہوجائیں گی۔

تنظیم کا کہنا ہے کہ پالیسی مساوات اور سب کو شامل کرنے کی بات تو کرتی ہے، لیکن سماج کے پچھڑے طبقات کی شمولیت اور نمائندگی کے لیے کسی ٹھوس اقدام میں ناکام دکھائی دیتی ہے۔ شافی نے یہ بھی کہا کہ تمام نجی اعلیٰ تعلیمی اداروں بشمول IITs، IIMs اور سینٹرل یونیورسٹیز میں ریزرویشن کی مانگ کو بھی پالیسی سازوں نے مکمل طور پر نظر انداز کردیا ہے۔

नवीन शैक्षणिक धोरण घटनाविरोधी: एसआयओ

मुंबई: केंद्रीय शिक्षण मंत्रिमंडळाने बुधवारी स्वीकारलेला न्यू एज्युकेशन पॉलिसीचा (एनईपी) सुधारित आराखडा संघराज्यविरोधी, घटनाविरोधी आणि भारतातील शिक्षणाचे व्यापारीकरण करण्याचा परवाना आहे, असे स्टुडंट्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गनायझेशन ऑफ इंडिया (एसआयओ) चे राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष लबिद शाफी यांनी सांगितले. 

संघटनेने म्हटले आहे की त्यांनी एनईपी 2019 च्या माध्यमातून शिक्षणाचे भगवेकरण, केंद्रीकरण आणि शिक्षणाचे व्यावसायीकरण यासह अनेक मुद्द्यांबाबत मनुष्यबळ विकास मंत्रालयाला (एमएचआरडी) ला शिफारसींचा सविस्तर संच सादर केला होता. तथापि या बहुतांश महत्त्वाच्या सूचनांकडे सरकारने दुर्लक्ष केले आहे, हे पॉलिसीच्या सुधारित आवृत्तीतून स्पष्ट होते, असे शाफी म्हणाले.

शाफी म्हणाले की हे धोरण भारतात शिक्षणाच्या वव्यापारीकरणाला वाढणारे आहे. "मसुद्यात शिक्षणाच्या 'सार्वजनिक फायद्याच्या' स्वरूपाबाबत उल्लेख केलेले आहे, परंतु शिक्षणाचे व्यावसायिक स्वरूपाला ही चालणा दिले आहे," शाफी म्हणाले. 

संघटनेचा असे मत आहे की मसुद्यात 'संस्कृतचा अभ्यास आणि त्याच्या विस्तृत साहित्याचे ज्ञान' सारख्या विषयांमुळे शिक्षणाचे भगवेकरण करण्याचे दरवाजे उघडले जातात, तसेच भारताच्या बहुसांस्कृतिक आणि बहुभाषिकि इतिहासाकडे कडे जाणीवपूर्वक दुर्लक्ष केले जाते. “अल्पसंख्याक विद्वानांच्या योगदानाचे, त्यांचे ज्ञान उत्पादन आणि संस्कृतीकडे दुर्लक्ष करून मसुद्याच्या धोरणाने ज्या प्रकारे स्वातंत्र्य, समानता आणि बहुवचनवादाच्या घटनात्मक मूल्यांकडे दुर्लक्ष केले, ते खरोखरच घृणास्पद आहे. कोणत्याही भाषेचा अतिरेक किंवा ती भाषा जबरदस्तीने लादणे हे घटनेच्या विरोधात आहे," असे शाफी म्हणाले.

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा संघटना (आरएसए), नॅशनल टेस्टिंग एजन्सी (एनटीए) आणि नॅशनल रिसर्च फाऊंडेशन (एनआरएफ) या धोरणांतर्गत केंद्रीय संस्था तयार करणे ही भारतीय संघटनेच्या संघीय रचनेविरूद्ध आहे, विद्यार्थी संघटनेने युक्तिवाद केला . शिक्षण हे राज्य आणि केंद्र या दोन्ही यादीतला विषय आहे. अशा सशक्त केंद्रीयकृत संस्था सत्ताधारी पक्षांच्या राजकीय समर्थनास बळी पडतील, असे शाफी म्हणाले.

धोरण समानता आणि समावेशन या आदर्शांना ओठ देणारी असून त्यात आरक्षणाच्या धोरणाबद्धल काहीच स्पष्ट नाही. समाजातील अल्पसंख्याक घटकांना पुरेसे प्रतिनिधित्व मिळण्यासाठी कोणतेही ठोस उपाययोजना करण्यात ते अपयशी ठरले आहे. आयआयटी, आयआयएम आणि केंद्रीय विद्यापीठांसारख्या प्रमुख संस्थांसह सर्व खासगी उच्च शैक्षणिक संस्थांना आरक्षण देण्याच्या मागण्यांचे धोरणकर्त्यांनीही पूर्णपणे दुर्लक्ष केले, असे शाफी म्हणाले.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

UGC Exam Guidelines Unreasonable, Will Create Confusion Among Students

Statement by Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) South Maharashtra

UGC Exam Guidelines Unreasonable, Will Create Confusion Among Students

The revised guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) on examinations and academic calendar are utterly pointless, unreasonable and unfair to students, teachers and educational institutes. The guidelines, at best, will increase confusion and anxiety among students, and at worst, will disturb the academic calendar of universities, create health issues and put additional burden on teachers and colleges.

UGC had earlier set the July deadline for conducting final year examinations, which was impossible to meet for colleges in many parts of the country due to COVID-19 crisis. After realising its mistake, the commission has now extended it to September. However, even this deadline is unjustified as the outbreak situation continues to remain precarious and unpredictable. Besides, extending the current academic year to September will have an adverse impact on the subsequent academic years of universities across the country.

The commission's suggestion to conduct examinations in online, offline or blended mode is detached from the ground reality. Despite the relaxations provided by the Centre, many parts of the country continue to remain under stringent lockdown imposed by the state and local governments, rendering offline examinations impossible and even undesirable. Several colleges, especially those located in remote parts of the country, lack the necessary infrastructure for conducting online examinations. Reports have pointed out that a large number of students don't have access to the internet or digital equipment. These students will suffer if exams are conducted online.

Considering the diversity of academic programmes, the large volume of students in higher education institutes and different sets of laws and norms governing education in various states, issuing a common set of specific guidelines by a central authority will do more harm than good. Instead, the state governments, universities and colleges should be left to make decisions on academic matters by considering the situation on-ground.

Most importantly, the UGC and the Centre's insistence on conducting the final year examinations, while promoting students in intermediate years, runs in complete contrast with the Credit-Based Semester and Grading System (CBSGS). This evaluation system puts equal emphasis on students' performance through all semesters of the course and not just the final semester. The students are graded on class tests, practical examination, project work and other tools of continuous evaluation, not just the end-of-term theory examination. In this view, it's unfair to single out and hype the importance of the final-semester theory examination compared to other tests.

Mohammad Salman
President, SIO South Maharashtra

طلبہ تنظیم اسٹوڈنٹس اسلامک آرگنائزیشن ساؤتھ مہاراشٹر کا بیان 

یو جی سی کی امتحانات سے متعلق ہدایات غیر معقول، طلبہ میں الجھن کا خدشہ

امتحانات کے ضمن میں یو جی سی UGC کی جانب سے جاری کردہ گائیڈ لائن طلبہ، اساتذہ اور تعلیمی اداروں کے حق میں سراسر بے معنی ،غیر معقول اور غیر منصفانہ ہیں. یہ گائیڈ لائن طلبہ اور اساتذہ میں  مزیدتذبذب اوراضطراب کا ذریعہ ہی بنے گی.صحت سے متعلق مسائل میں بھی اضافہ ہوگا نیز اس کے سبب اکیڈمک کلینڈر کے بھی بری طرح متاثر ہونے کے امکانات ہیں.

اس سے قبل UGC نے ماہ جولائی میں امتحانات کو رکھنے کا حکم دیا تھا. لیکن Covid-19 وبا کی اس بحرانی صورت حال میں یہ امتحانات نہ ہو سکے. جب کمیشن کو اپنی اس غلطی کا احساس ہو گیا تو اس نے ماہ ستمبر تک ان امتحانات کو آگے بڑھا دیا .ایک ایسی بحرانی صورتحال  میں جبکہ کہ وہ غیر معین بھی ہو اور اور ناقابل پیشگوئی بھی یہ گائیڈ لائن غیر منصفانہ معلوم ہوتی ہے.مزید برآں ملک بھر کی مختلف یونیورسیٹیز کے سال 20-2019  کے اکیڈمک کلینڈر کو 2020 کے ماہ ستمبر  تک آگے بڑھانے سے آئندہ سالوں کے اکیڈمک کیلنڈر بھی شدید متاثر ہوں گے.

کمیشن کی یہ گا ئڈ لائن کہ امتحانات آن لائن یا آف لائن یامخلوط طریقہ سے لیے جائیں زمینی حقائق کے مترادف ہیں. اس وقت ملک کی کئی ریاستوں میں  بہت کڑا لاک ڈاؤن ہے. ایسے میں امتحانات کے لئے انتظام و انصرام مضر بھی ہے اور نا ممکن بھی. ملک بھر میں کئی ایسے پسماندہ علاقے ہے جہاں نا صرف مناسب انفراسٹرکچر موجود نہیں ہے بلکہ دیگر جدید سہولیات کی بھی عدم دستیابی ہے۔ نیز اعداد و شمار یہ بھی بتاتے ہیں کہ طلبہ کی ایسی ایک کثیر تعداد ہے جن کے لئے لیے انٹرنیٹ نیٹ تک رسائی ناممکن ہے ایسے میں اس بڑی تعداد کے ازمائش میں پڑنےکا بھی خدشہ ہے.

ایسے میں جبکہ مختلف ریاستوں میں متنوع قسم کے تعلیمی نصاب اور اس کو پڑھانے اور سمجھانے کے مختلف طریقے رائج ہے مختلف ریاستوں کے اپنے مختلف قوانین ہیں، پورے ملک میں صرف ایک ہی مشترک گائیڈ لائن سودمند سے زیادہ مضر رساں ثابت ہوگی. اس کے بالمقابل صوبائی حکومتوں کو اختیار ہونا چاہیے کہ وہ زمینی حقائق کی بنا پر مناسب فیصلے لیں.

 سب سے اہم UGC اور مرکز کا آخری سال کے امتحانات کو لینے کے سلسلے میں مصر ہو نا جبکہ انٹرمیڈیٹ سالوں کے طلباء کو promote کر دیا گیا ہوں CBCGS سسٹم کے متضاد ہے.CBCGS سسٹم طلبہ کے تمام سمسٹر کے نتائج کو یکساں اہمیت دیتا ہے نہ کہ صرف ایک سمسٹر کو. طلباء کو کلاس ٹیسٹ، پریکٹیکل ایگزامینشن ،پروجیکٹ ورک اور دیگر کئی بنیادوں پر جانچا جاتا ہے نہ کہ صرف اخیر میں ہونے والےتھیوری امتحانات Theory Examination کی بنیاد پر۔ اس نقطہ نظر سے صرف اخیر سیمسٹر کے امتحانات کو کے لئے حوّا کھڑا کرنا ایک نامناسب عمل ہے.

محمد سلمان احمد
صدر حلقہ ایس آئی او ساؤتھ مہاراشٹر

यूजीसी ने परीक्षेसंदर्भात जाहीर केलेल्या मार्गदर्शक तत्वांबद्दल स्टुडंट्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गनायझेशन ऑफ इंडिया (एसआयओ) दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र ची भूमिका

यूजीसी परीक्षांचे मार्गदर्शक तत्वे अवास्तव आहेत, यामुळे विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये संभ्रम निर्माण होईल
विद्यापीठ अनुदान आयोगाने (युजीसी) परीक्षा व शैक्षणिक वेळापत्रकबाबत जारी केलेले सुधारित मार्गदर्शक तत्वे विद्यार्थी, शिक्षक आणि शैक्षणिक संस्थांवर पूर्णपणे निरर्थक, अवास्तव आणि अन्यायकारक आहेत. या मार्गदर्शक तत्वांमुळे विद्यार्थ्यांमध्ये संभ्रम निर्माण होइल आणि चिंता वाढेल आणि सर्वात वाईट म्हणजे विद्यापीठांच्या पुढच्या वर्षांच्या वेळापत्रक बिघडेल, आरोग्याचा प्रश्न निर्माण होईल आणि शिक्षक आणि महाविद्यालयांवर अतिरिक्त भार पडेल.

यूजीसीने यापूर्वी अंतिम वर्षाच्या परीक्षा आयोजित करण्यासाठी जुलैची अंतिम मुदत दिली होती, जी COVID-19 च्या संकटामुळे देशातील अनेक भागातील महाविद्यालयांना पार पाळणे अशक्य होते. आपली चूक लक्षात आल्यानंतर आयोगाने आता याची मुदत सप्टेंबरपर्यंत वाढविली आहे. तथापि, ही अंतिम मुदत देखील न्याय्य नाही कारण उद्रेक परिस्थिती अनिश्चित आहे. याशिवाय सध्याचे शैक्षणिक वर्ष सप्टेंबरपर्यंत वाढविण्याचा देशातील विद्यापीठांच्या त्यानंतरच्या शैक्षणिक वर्षांवर विपरीत परिणाम होईल.

ऑनलाईन, ऑफलाइन किंवा मिश्रित पद्धतीने परीक्षा आयोजित करण्याच्या आयोगाच्या सूचनेला वास्तविकतेपासून दूर ठेवले आहे. केंद्राने दिलेली शिथिलता असूनही देश आणि कित्येक भाग राज्य आणि स्थानिक सरकारांनी लादलेल्या कडक लॉकडाऊनमध्ये कायम आहेत आणि ऑफलाइन परीक्षा अशक्य आहेत. अनेक महाविद्यालये, विशेषत: देशातील दुर्गम भागांमध्ये, ऑनलाइन परीक्षा घेण्यासाठी आवश्यक पायाभूत सुविधांचा अभाव आहे. अहवालात असे निदर्शनास आले आहे की मोठ्या संख्येने विद्यार्थ्यांकडे इंटरनेट किंवा डिजिटल उपकरणांपासून वंचित आहेत. परीक्षा ऑनलाइन घेतल्यास या विद्यार्थ्यांचे नुकसान होईल.

शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रमांची विविधता, उच्च शिक्षण संस्थांमधील विद्यार्थ्यांची मोठ्या प्रमाणातील संख्या आणि विविध राज्यांत शिक्षण घेणारे विविध कायदे आणि निकषांचे संच लक्षात घेता, केंद्रीय प्राधिकरणाद्वारे विशिष्ट मार्गदर्शक सूचनांचे सामान्य संच जारी करणे चांगले  करण्यापेक्षा अधिक नुकसान करते. त्याऐवजी राज्य सरकारे, विद्यापीठे आणि महाविद्यालये शैक्षणिक बाबींवर वास्तविक परिस्थितीचा विचार करून निर्णय घेतील.

सर्वात महत्त्वाचे म्हणजे, यूजीसी आणि केंद्राचा अंतिम वर्षाच्या परीक्षा घेण्याचा आग्रह क्रेडिट-बेस्ड सेमेस्टर अँड ग्रेडिंग सिस्टम (सीबीएसजीएस) च्या विरूद्ध आहे. या मूल्यांकन प्रणालीत विद्यार्थ्यांना वर्ग चाचण्या, प्रॅक्टिकल परीक्षा, प्रोजेक्ट वर्क आणि सतत मूल्यमापनाच्या इतर साधनांच्या आधारावर निकाल मिळतं. या दृष्टिकोनातून, इतर परीक्षांच्या तुलनेत अंतिम-सेमेस्टर सिद्धांता परीक्षेवर भर देणे अयोग्य आहे.

मुहम्मद सलमान
अध्यक्ष, SIO दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र,

स्टूडेंट्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गनाइजेशन ऑफ इंडिया (SIO) दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र का बयान

 यूजीसी परीक्षा दिशानिर्देश अनुचित, छात्रों में पैदा करेगा भ्रम।

विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग (यूजीसी) द्वारा परीक्षाओं और शैक्षणिक कैलेंडर पर जारी किए गए संशोधित दिशानिर्देश छात्रों, शिक्षकों और शैक्षणिक संस्थानों के लिए निराधार,व्यर्थ एवं अन्यायपूर्ण हैं। दिशानिर्देश छात्रों के बीच भ्रम और चिंता को बढ़ाएगा और विश्वविद्यालयों के शैक्षणिक कैलेंडर को बिगड़ेगा, स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को पैदा करेगा और शिक्षकों और कॉलेजों पर अतिरिक्त बोझ डालेगा। 

यूजीसी ने इससे पूर्व अंतिम वर्ष की परीक्षाओं को आयोजित करने के लिए जुलाई की समय सीमा निर्धारित की थी, जिसका पालन देश के अधिकांश हिस्सों में कॉलेजों के लिए COVID-19 संकट के कारण असंभव था। अपनी गलती का एहसास होने के बाद, आयोग ने समय से समय सीमा को सितंबर तक बढ़ा दिया है। हालांकि यह समय सीमा भी अनुचित है क्योंकि प्रकोप की स्थिति अनिश्चित और अप्रत्याशित बनी हुई है। इसके अलावा, मौजूदा शैक्षणिक वर्ष को सितंबर तक बढ़ाने का आदेश देश भर के विश्वविद्यालयों के शैक्षणिक कैलेंडर पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव पड़ेगा।

ऑनलाइन, ऑफलाइन या मिश्रित मोड में परीक्षा आयोजित करने का आयोग का सुझाव जमीनी हकीकत से अलग है। केंद्र द्वारा प्रदान की गई ढील के बावजूद, देश के कई हिस्सों में राज्य और स्थानीय सरकारों द्वारा लगाए गए कड़े लॉकडाउन जारी हैं, जिसके कारण ऑफ़लाइन परीक्षाएं असंभव और यहां तक ​​कि अवांछनीय भी हैं। कई कॉलेज, विशेष रूप से देश के दूरदराज के हिस्सों में स्थित शिक्षण संस्थानों में ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आयोजित करने के लिए आवश्यक बुनियादी ढांचे का अभाव है। विभिन्न रिपोर्ट के अनुसार बड़ी संख्या में छात्रों के पास इंटरनेट या डिजिटल उपकरण नहीं हैं। ऑनलाइन परीक्षा आयोजित करने पर इन छात्रों को नुकसान होगा।

शैक्षणिक कार्यक्रमों की विविधता, उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों में छात्रों की बड़ी मात्रा और विभिन्न राज्यों में शिक्षा को नियंत्रित करने वाले कानूनों और मानदंडों के विभिन्न सेट को ध्यान में रखते हुए यह बात कही जा सकती है कि किसी केंद्रीय प्राधिकरण द्वारा विशिष्ट दिशानिर्देशों का एक सामान्य सेट जारी करने से फायदा काम और नुकसान ज़्यादा होगा। इसके बजाय, राज्य सरकारों, विश्वविद्यालयों और कॉलेजों को स्थिति पर विचार करके अकादमिक मामलों पर निर्णय लेने के लिए स्वतंत्र छोड़ देना चाहिए।

सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि यूजीसी और केंद्र की अंतिम वर्ष की परीक्षाएं आयोजित करने की जिद, जबकि इंटरमीडिएट के छात्रों को बिना परीक्षा के पास कर देना और अगली कक्षाओं में बढ़ा देना, क्रेडिट-आधारित सेमेस्टर और ग्रेडिंग सिस्टम (सीबीएसजीएस) के बिल्कुल विपरीत है। यह मूल्यांकन प्रणाली न केवल अंतिम  बल्कि पाठ्यक्रम के सभी सेमेस्टर के छात्रों के प्रदर्शन पर समान जोर देती है। छात्रों को ना केवल वर्ष के अंत की थ्योरी परीक्षा बल्कि टेस्ट, प्रायोगिक परीक्षा, प्रोजेक्ट कार्य और निरंतर मूल्यांकन के विभिन्न उपकरणों द्वारा भी मूल्यांकित किया जाता है। इस संदर्भ में अन्य परीक्षणों की तुलना में अंतिम-सेमेस्टर की सैद्धांतिक परीक्षा को अनावश्यक तौर पर अधिक महत्व देना न्यायसंगत नहीं है।

मुहम्मद सलमान
अध्यक्ष, SIO दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र

Thursday, April 30, 2020

AICTE appealed to teachers, promoting Hindutva..

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) today sent this message to all the teachers at technical education institutes across the country, urging them to participate in group prayers organised by Indian Yoga Association as part of their 'Shankara Jayanti' celebrations, ostensibly to 'deal with Coronavirus crisis'!

It's shameful that at a time when the central government should be focussed on providing necessary healthcare and food security to people affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown, it's busy promoting prayers and practices of a particular religion. AICTE is a regulatory body whose mandate is to set standards for technical education institutes and facilitate them, not organise prayer meets. This is a dangerous attempt by the central government to weaken autonomous bodies such as AICTE by using them to further its Hindutva agenda. 

Uzair Ahmed Rangrez
Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) - Maharashtra South

AICTE की अजीब ओ गरीब अपील.....

अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा परिषद (AICTE) ने आज देश के सभी तकनीकी शिक्षण संस्थानों के शिक्षकों को संदेश देकर इंडियन योग एसोसिएशन द्वारा आयोजित सामूहिक प्रार्थना  में भाग लेने का अनुरोध किया है। यह सामूहिक प्रार्थना बज़ाहिर शंकर जयंती समारोह के एक कार्यक्रम के तौर पर कोरोना महामारी की समस्या से निपटने के लिए आयोजित की जा रही है।

यह बात निहायत शर्मनाक है कि ऐसे समय में जब लोगों को बुनियादी एवं आवश्यक स्वास्थ्य सुविधा मुहैया कराने और लॉकडाउन से प्रभावित लोगों की खाद्य सुरक्षा पर ध्यान देना चाहिए, सरकार एक धर्म विशेष की पूजा पद्धति एवं प्रथाओं को बढ़ावा देने में व्यस्त है।

 AICTE एक  नियामक संस्था है जिसकी ज़िम्मेदारी  तकनीकी शिक्षा संस्थानों के लिए मानक तय करना और  उन्हें इसकी सुविधा प्रदान करना है, ना कि कोई प्रार्थना सभा आयोजित करना है। यह केंद्र सरकार की ओर से  AICTE जैसी स्वायत्त संस्थानों को कमजोर करने और उनको हिंदुत्व के एजेंडा के लिए इस्तेमाल करने का खतरनाक प्रयास है।

उज़ैर अहमद रंग्रेज़
प्रदेश सचिव
स्टूडेंट्स इस्लामिक ऑर्गनाइजेशन ऑफ इंडिया (SIO) - दक्षिण महाराष्ट्र

Monday, April 20, 2020

پالگھر بے رحمانہ قتل پر ایس آئی او کا بیان

پالگھر ضلع میں چور ہونے کے شبہے میں تین افراد کا ہجوم کے ذریعے سے وحشیانہ قتل انتہائی قابل مذمت ہے۔ یہ واقعہ ایک بار پھر ملک میں تیزی سے بڑھ رہی معاشرتی خرابیوں اور لاقانونیت کو اجاگر کرتا ہے۔ یہ صورتحال ملک کے لیے انتہائی تشویشناک ہے۔ 

ایسے وقت میں جب ہمیں انسانیت کا ثبوت دیکر ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ کھڑا ہونے کی ضرورت ہے، کچھ لوگوں کے ذریعے سے اس واقعہ کو فرقہ وارانہ رنگ دینے کی کوشش نہایت شرمناک ہے۔ لوگوں کے درمیان اور حکام کے تئیں اعتماد بحال کرنے کے لیے حکومت کو ٹھوس اقدام اٹھانے چاہئے۔ 

ایس آئی او مجرموں کے خلاف کارروائی کے ساتھ ساتھ مظلوموں کے گھر والوں کو مناسب معاوضہ نیزسوشل میڈیا کے ذریعہ فیک نیوز اور فرقہ واریت پھیلانے والوں کے خلاف سخت کاروائی کا مطالبہ کرتی ہے۔

سلمان احمد
صدر حلقہ
ایس آئی او جنوبی مہاراشٹر

पालघर नृशंस हत्या पर एस आई ओ का बयान

पालघर ज़िले में भीड़ द्वारा चोर होने के शक में तीन लोगों की क्रूरतापूर्ण हत्या घोर निंदनीय कृत है। ये घटना एक बार फिर देश में समाजी बिगाड़ और अराजकता को उजागर करती है। ये परिस्थिति देश के लिए चिंता का विषय है।
ऐसे समय में जब हमें मानवता का परिचय देते हुए एक दूसरे के साथ खड़े होने की आवशयकता है, कुछ लोगों के द्वारा इस घटना को सांप्रदायिक रंग देने की कोशिश निहायत शर्मनाक है। लोगों के बीच आपस में एवं सरकार के प्रति विश्वास बहाल करने की दिशा में सरकार को ठोस क़दम उठाना चाहिए।
एस आई ओ अपराधियों के विरुद्ध कार्रवाई के साथ साथ प पीड़ित परिवार वालों को उचित मुआवजे की मांग करती है। साथ ही साथ ऐसे अवसर पर सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से झूठी खबर, अफवाह और सांप्रदायिक द्वेष फैलाने वाले पर कठोर कार्रवाई की मांग करती है।

सलमान अहमद
प्रदेश अध्यक्ष,
एस आई ओ दक्षिण महराष्ट्र

SIO's Statement on the Brutal Killings in Palghar

The brutal mob lynching of three people on the suspicion of being thieves once again highlights the breakdown of social fabric and rule of law in the country, where reason and tolerance has given way to conspiratorial mindset and prejudice and the trust on authorities has given way to vigilantism and lawlessness.

At a time when we should stand in solidarity with fellow human beings, the effort to communalize this incident by some people is equally shameful. Stringent actions should be taken against those who spread rumours and incite hate.

The state should take steps to restore mutual trust among people as well as authorities. Besides taking action against culprits, the families of the victims need to be compensated.

Salman Ahmad
Zonal President
Students Islamic Organisation of India (Maharashtra South)

Friday, February 7, 2020

ایس آئی او نے نوجوان قائد سلمان احمد کی رہائی کا کیا خیرمقدم ، حق و انصاف کی جدوجہد جاری رکھنے کا کیا عزم

اسٹوڈنٹس اسلامک آرگنائزیشن آف انڈیا (ایس آئی او) نے طلبا لیڈر اور صدر ایس آئی او جنوبی مہاراشٹر سلمان احمد  کی رہائی کا خیرمقدم کیا ہے. واضح رہے کہ جمعہ کے روز ناندیڑ پولیس  نےسلمان احمد کو ضمانت پر رہا کیا۔
 سلمان احمد پر ناندیڑ کے شاہین باغ احتجاج میں دیئے گئے شہریت ترمیمی قانون (سی اے اے) کے خلاف اپنی ایک تقریر کے کچھ حصوں کی غلط پیشکش کے سبب معاملہ درج کیا گیا تھا۔  ناندیڑ پولیس نے جمعرات کی شام ممبئی سے سلمان احمد کو تحویل میں لیا اور انھیں ناندیڑ لیکر گئے۔  سلمان احمد کو اپنے موقف کی وضاحت اور ضروری قانونی کارروائی کرنے کے بعد جمعہ کی سہ پہر اتوارہ پولیس اسٹیشن میں ضمانت مل گئی۔
 یہ غیرضروری تنازعہ میڈیا اور کچھ افراد کی بدنیتی پر مبنی کوشش اور این آر سی، سی اے اے و این پی آر کے خلاف جاری تحریک کو بدنام کرنے کی سازش کا حصہ تھا۔  تقریر میں کچھ بھی متنازعہ نہیں تھا۔  آدھے گھنٹے سے زیادہ کی تقریر کا ایک چھوٹا سا حصہ لے کر اسے فرقہ وارانہ ایجنڈے کو آگے بڑھانے کے لئے سیاق و سباق سے باہر نکال کر پیش کیا گیا۔
 ایس آئی او جلد ہی میڈیا ہاؤسز اور ان افراد کے خلاف ہتک عزت کا مقدمہ درج کرنے کے لئے قانونی عمل شروع کرے گی جنہوں نے تقریر کے مندرجات کو جان بوجھ کر توڑ مروڑ کر پیش کیا تھا۔
 ایس آئی او نے ہمیشہ قانون نافذ کرنے والے اداروں اور سرکاری حکام کے ساتھ تعاون کیا ہے اور کرتی رہے گی۔  دراصل سلمان احمد نے پہلے ہی پولیس کے سامنے پیش ہونے کا ارادہ کیا تھا اور اس کے مطابق ناندیڑ  کے لئے سفر پلان کرچکے تھے۔  تاہم  سلمان احمد کو سفر سے پہلے ہی حراست میں لےلیا گیا۔
 ان تمام رکاوٹوں کے باوجود معاشرے میں انصاف کے قیام کی جانب کام کرنے کا ایس آئی او کا عزم ہمیشہ کی طرح مستحکم ہے۔   ایس آئی او تمام جمہوری اور پر امن طریقے استعمال کرکے CAA جیسے سیاہ قوانین کا مقابلہ کرنا جاری رکھے گی۔
 تنظیم اس پورے معاملے میں مختلف افراد اور تنظیموں کی طرف سے دیئے گئے تعاون کا خیرمقدم کرتی ہے۔

SIO welcomes release of student leader Salman Ahmad, vows to continue struggle for truth and justice

Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) welcomes the release of Salman Ahmad, student leader and president SIO South Maharashtra, on bail by Nanded Police on Friday. 
Salman Ahmad has wrongfully been implicated due to misrepresentation of one of his speeches against discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), delivered at Nanded's Shaheen Bagh agitation. Nanded Police detained him in Mumbai on Thursday evening and brought him to Nanded. After Salman Ahmed explained his stand, he was granted bail at Itwara Police Station on Friday afternoon following the due legal procedure.
The unnecessary controversy was a result of a malicious attempt by a section of media and some of the individuals and to discredit the movement against CAA-NRC-NPR. There was nothing inflammatory in the speech whatsoever. A small portion of the half an hour long speech was edited and presented out of context to drive a communal agenda.
SIO will soon initiate the legal process to file defamation suit against the media houses and individuals who intentionally twisted the contents of the speech.
SIO has always cooperated with law enforcement and government authorities and will continue to do so. In fact, Salman Ahmad had already planned to surrender before the police and had accordingly made travel plans to reach Nanded. However, he was detained before the journey.
Despite the hurdles SIO's resolve to work towards establishing justice in the society remains strong as ever. It will continue to fight discriminatory laws such as CAA using all democratic and peaceful means.
The organisation welcomes the support extended by various individuals and organisations during these testing times.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

SIO condemns illegal detention and arrest of Salman Ahmad; Demands Immediate Release and dropping of charges

SIO of India strongly condemns the illegal detention and arrest and witch-hunting of Salman Ahmad, State President, SIO Maharashtra South. Salman Ahmad is a well known student leader in Maharashtra with a stellar record of social service and active for many years on a number of students welfare and human rights concerns. He is a well regarded voice across the state. SIO of India demands his immediate release and the dropping of all charges.

Along with many others, he has been actively involved in the ongoing movement for equal citizenship. A speech given by him in Nanded in the backdrop of this movement has mischievously been taken out of context and edited to present a distorted version. Full clarification regarding the content of the speech has already been made by Salman and is available in the public domain. The media trial he was subjected to and the case registered against him is nothing more than an attempt to delegitimise and silence peaceful democratic protests against CAA-NPR-NRC. This is part of the ongoing targeting of student and youth activists across the country, and we must collectively stand against this silencing of dissent and democratic expression.

We strongly demand the immediate release and dropping of all charges against Salman Ahmed and all those protesting against CAA-NPR-NRC. We also condemn the irresponsible media trial of Salman and demand an immediate apology from the offending channels.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Students and Youths of The Oxford of The East on Police brutality, CAA, NRC

Known to be the Oxford of the East, Pune observed a historical rally organised by Students and Youths of Pune to condemn the act of police brutality against the students of JMI, AMU and other campuses across the country. Around three thousands students, activists and citizens gathered at Collector office on Tuesday, 17th December to protest against the act of police brutality in Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New Delhi, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and various other campuses across the country and voiced their opposition to the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The protest was organised by  Students and youth of Pune, a city-based collective of various organisations including Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO), Girls Islamic Organisation of India, NSUI, AMU Alumni, JMI alumni , JNU Alumni and many more organisations led by SIO.

Participants accused the police perpetrated unprovoked violence against the innocent students who were agitating peacefully and in a democratic manner. The Police fired indiscriminately, carried out vicious attacks on campus, and committed acts of arson under full public view and the media glare. The police barged into the JMI library and beat up students indiscriminately and ruthlessly. They entered the JMI Masjid, desecrated and vandalized it and hit the students offering namaz. All this blatant violence was carried out without the permission of the University authorities. The Delhi Police detained and took many seriously injured students to a police station where they were held without any medical care for several hours. There are allegations that the police sexually assaulted female students, burnt buses and carried out these brazen attacks on students along with rogues and anti-social elements. There are reports of similar violence and vandalism carried out by the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Police on students in AMU. The agitating students also demanded that the government discontinue plans to conduct a nationwide NRC. The protesters also demanded that the CAA be revoked by the parliament.  CAA is against the spirit of India’s Constitution and is discriminatory. It proposes to grant citizenship to everyone except Muslims who have migrated to India from neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. This act goes against the basic idea of India as an inclusive, diverse, secular, and democratic nation envisaged by the founding fathers.
Huge participation was seen from girls and students of all campuses across the city. Protest was organised peacefully with slogans, banners posters condemning the government and seeking justice for victims. Finally delegates from the protest submitted The Memorandum to the President of India through Collector of Pune. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Justice For Fathima, Protest at Mumbai University by joint action committee (JAC)

Students and activists from various institutes, political groups and student organisations including Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO), Samyak Andolan, Welfare Party, Fraternity Movement under the common banner Joint Action Committee (JAC), staged a protest at the University of Mumbai to demand justice for Fathima Lateef on 20th November 2019.

"We demand justice for Fathima by providing an impartial enquiry and strictly punishing those who are found guilty. We also demand a student Grievance redressal system in each campus to help out students affected by discrimination based on Religion, caste, gender, etc. We also appeal to the student community to voice their opinions, reach out to concerned officials, NGOs and bravely resist discrimination without giving up their life because suicide is not an option, you are important and your struggle for justice should be continued with courage" said Raafid Shahab, Representative of SIO.

Monday, October 21, 2019

SIO Govandi unit organised protest rally on 3 years of Najeeeb disappearance

Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) Govandi Unit, Mumbai organised a protest rally on completion of three years of kidnaping of JNU student Najeeeb Ahmad on 15th October 2019. Rally started at 4.00 pm from jamaat e islami office Govandi and ended at Baiganwadi bus depot. Around 75 students participated in the rally. At the end of rally zonal president Salman Ahmad addressed the gathering and demanded government to make investigation process better and punish the culprit.